
Absolutely Exhaustive SAP Users Lists

Thomson Data provides the SAP users list for better marketing campaign performance with increased ROI and conversion.

At Thomson Data we source our SAP users lists like no other. When you choose to work with us, you'll overshoot your sales target by miles! And that is our personal guarantee. Our databases contain over 210,000 records, which means we cover the entire length and breadth of the SAP user community. This, coupled with our extensive experience, makes us a world leader in SAP application marketing. 

Our SAP users lists detail key management contacts in SAP user companies that let you bring your sales proposals directly to the people who truly matter. By reviewing your campaign, past programs and current marketing data our sales teams help create the ideal list for your product.

We'll go even further and configure your campaign implementation (so that you secure massive conversion rates and maximize on your ROI), while offering you choice lists of the top 10000 SAP users in the world.
All SAP users mailing lists provide complete marketing information including; first name, last name, title, phone number, mobile number, fax number, email, postal address and zip code. Professional and industry mailing lists may include SIC codes.

To make sure your campaign cuts through the competition, contact Thomson Data now!

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